
Manual Payment Solutions

Thank you so much for installing our shopify app.

Payment confirmation form

  1. Please go to "Payment confirmation form" menu,
  2. Switch ON to enable payment confirmation form,
  3. (Optional) change or customize the label and placeholder. Don't forget to click the save button.
  4. You can visit your form in the url: https://{yourdomain}/tools/mps/payment-confirmation
  5. Your form will look like the following
  6. payment confirmation shopify

Unique code

  1. Please go to "Unique code" menu
  2. Switch ON to enable unique code service,
  3. Set minimum and maximum amount. Don't forget to click the save button.

Displays the Unique Code information section on the cart page.

  1. Navigate to the Online Store section of your Shopify store, and click the Customize button.
    Unique code shopify
  2. Go to "App embeds" tab, and switch to enable manual payment solution.
    Unique code app embed shopify
  3. Go to "Cart" template, and add section or block Unique code. You can also rearrange them by dragging the sections
    Unique code app embed shopify
    Unique code app embed shopify Unique code app embed shopify
  4. * The unique code section will not appear if there are no items in the cart.
    Please try adding at least one item to cart, then a unique code section will appear.
    Unique code app embed shopify
  5. Don't forget to save all your changes.